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ScaleAQ is a global leader in technology within one of Norway's most important growth industries. They now aim to explore how the organization can adopt new technology, particularly artificial intelligence, to become more data-driven and increase efficiency in administrative processes.

In the project, two students will work closely with a project manager at ScaleAQ to identify which processes have the greatest potential, assess which tools and technologies are best suited, and implement a "proof of concept" that will be tested in parts of the organization before a potential rollout.

The delivery contained:

📃 Current pain points

List of inefficient processes and pain points.

🧠 Tech & AI-tools

Overview of relevant software that can be implemented.


Functional concept solution implemented for parts of the company.

⏩ The way forward

A simple implementation plan for rollout in the organization.

Efficiency through the use of AI


Project type



Number of students




Proof of concept

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